Friday, August 31, 2012

What "Not Working" Means to An 8 Year Old

When I first stopped working, my then 7 year old son offered to take a little time off from school to help me find a job.  No, I told him, school was his job, and much as I appreciated his offer, everything would be all right.  I think quite often about that offer, and about what it means to a now 8 year old boy to have his mom, who has worked practically every week of the year for his whole life, suddenly be at home and present for a lot more hours of his life.  So here goes--in my order, not his.

1.  When Mommy's not working, we can't have sushi because she always says it's WAY too expensive.

2.  Now that Mommy's not working, we never take taxis anymore.  Which is good, because the bus is WAY better.

3.  Mommy takes me to school and picks me up every day now instead of a babysitter.  Mommy asks WAY too many questions.

4.  When Mommy was working, Daddy made dinner more often.  Sorry, Mommy, but Daddy is a WAY better cook.

5.  Mommy is on the computer WAY too much, typing emails and resumes and blogs, which really cuts into my video game time.

6.  Sometimes Mommy is sad, but she always feels WAY better when I give her a hug.

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