Sunday, September 1, 2013

Change of Seasons

I am currently being bombarded by people talking about the end of summer. Most of them seem in mourning, some seem ready to leave it behind.  I am not sure where I stand. I know that no other season gets such a going out party. (Really, do you ever hear someone say, "Aw, fall is over," or "I can't believe spring went so fast"?)

I know that I am ready to move on from the party to what the next season holds. (And that the real change of season doesn't even really happen for a few weeks).  Perhaps I'm a party pooper, but more likely, I am a person who appreciates the "now," and looks ahead to the "next." As for the "then," I just find it hard to dwell there. It just feels as though there's always too much left to do. So, tomorrow, I may eat my Labor Day Picnic food (well, probably just Chinese takeout--this is New York City after all!), but my feet will be one step into my post-summer adventures. Fresh from the sun and ready for my next challenge.

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