Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Write Something!

Some days, despite my having exercised these writing muscles of mine every day, the words just don't come. Either my day was extremely dull, or its events were too emotional to work in a blog, or my head is just somewhere else. One way or the other, the spark just isn't there.

Those are the days when I tell myself, "Just write something!"

I think it is a rare person who has "a spark" every single day. Even if you love your job or love your family, or are the most creative person in the world, the real test of your talent or your dedication is not what you do on the days when everything comes together. The true test is what you do when things DON'T come naturally or easily. Do you pack it in, convinced that the talent is gone? Or do you push through, saying, "Do something," or, as in my case, "Write something"?

Some of my best experiences in life have been the hard ones that I just have to face, from which I can't back away. This blog is no exception. While it is not climbing a mountain or curing a disease or starring on Broadway or flying to the moon, it is my daily reminder that, even when it (whatever your "it" is) is hard, you can always do something. Write something. And most of the time, you'll feel a whole lot better if you do.

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