Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Challenges of Working in Television

One of the most challenging things about working in television is that some of the people with whom you work end up in the news. When the news is good, that makes it kind of fun. Unfortunately, good, complimentary news isn't always enough to sell papers or go viral, so more often than you'd like, you're reading things about co-workers that none of us would like said about our friends.

I suppose that the people who (unlike me!) are in highly visible positions--in front of or behind the camera--know what they are in for. And I suppose that, like any of us, they learn to write off the negative and focus on the work. I can't help it--it still bothers me that they have to.

Today, I woke up to a friend's posting of an article that criticized the online soap endeavor, and named names along the way. It made me sad. And angry. I was on the front lines (or at least in the front row of the control room), and I saw how hard so many people worked to make that endeavor happen each day. How much heart they--we--put into it, and how much people gave up to see it through. Whether it will ultimately succeed or not long-term may remain to be seen,  but to play the personal blame game--that's just something I can't stomach.

There may come a time when I'm "out front," and I'll learn to deal with it too. For now, I can at least speak up. Which I get to do here.

Just one of the challenges of working in television.

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