Thursday, September 11, 2014

Jumping In

Today, I offered to help finish clips for a show that was "crashing" (translation: scrambling to get done) for air. Yesterday, I said "yes" when a friend asked me to be co-class parent with her. It seems that I am just jumping in all over.

Jumping in certainly made me busy tonight, and I imagine the class parent thing will keep me busy--at least sometimes--for months to come. I wonder--should I have kept my mouth shut--in either instance?

Yet, when I revisit both events (because each happened pretty quickly), the answer I come back to is "no." I didn't collapse from being busier tonight. On the contrary, I was invigorated--at least in that moment--by being part of the "crashing" effort. And while I haven't done anything as class parent yet, I would like to think that this job will keep me "in the loop" and feeling helpful in my daughter's school.

Jumping in is not about committing to more than we can handle (though every so often, we do end up with a lot to do). Jumping in is about choosing to engage in our world--not just in the big ways, but in the little ones as well. It can sometimes be about networking and self-promotion. Most of the time, however, it is about making the choice to say "I am here. I can help," rather than saying nothing and observing at a distance. Ultimately, it is about being a participant, rather than just a spectator. Taking an active role in what goes on around us, so that we can enjoy the experience, and can enrich it with our particular skills and talents.

So, while you won't see me taking the field to play on a sports team (definitely a spectator there!), I have a feeling I will keep jumping in, whether for an hour, or for a year. It keeps me hopping. And that's a whole lot better than sitting still.

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