Thursday, November 6, 2014

Awake On The Work-Home Continuum

Despite a long day at work, I came home with energy today. This is rare. Many days, having given my all at work, I come home in not much shape to handle home. Even if I am physically there, I am sometimes not much use to help with school assignments and household decisions. I have used up all of my helping and decision-making energy to do those things at work. After all, that's what I'm being paid for, right?

I once talked to a friend who said that such intense commitment, both in terms of hours and in terms of mental/emotional energy, is a phenomenon specific to New York. He remarked that in many places, a job is just a job. You go, you do your job for eight or so hours, and you come home to spend the rest of your time and energy on yourself and your family. Work is work, but the majority of your day is actually spent on more personal matters.

I am not convinced that how I function is really a New York thing. It seems to me that I would work hard, and intensely, no matter where I lived--that's just who I am. The trick, then, for all of us, is to give a lot at our work, but make sure to save at least some of our energy for AFTER work, when we are called upon to be involved parents, and interested siblings, helpful children, and caring friends. It's not easy, and some days, there's just not enough left. But if we appreciate, and capitalize on, the nights like tonight, when we end up with that extra spurt of energy, it is possible.

I am quite sure that I will pay for my night of being wide awake with a morning of being tired. It's okay. I'll fight the tired when I need to. To have energy for my family after a long day is rare, and I am grateful for it. And that's a balance, an ever-shifting balance, that I hope I can maintain.

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