Monday, November 17, 2014

Having It Both Ways

After a conversation with my son, during which I emphatically stated, "You can't have it both ways," I began to think about all the things we'd like to have both ways. Can you both...

...sleep late and get everything done? family-friendly hours and still make enough money for a family?

...use the weekends for catch-up and for goofing off? all-consuming work and still have time to micro-manage home?

...teach your kids what they need to know and still let them be who they need to be?

...spend enough time with your kids and still have time alone?

...feel that you are eating healthy and still enjoy cupcakes?

...have stability (financial and emotional) and freedom too?

...caution your kids about screen time and still carry your smartphone with you and check it on a regular basis?

...have a clean apartment and not spend your life in it cleaning?

...pick the best schools for your kids, even if that means different schools in different locations, and still be a school-involved parent?

...encourage independence and still make very sure that your child goes to school with everything done and packed?

...have company in your endeavors and autonomy in your choices?

...teach your children life skills and still let them feel skilled at life?

So--about that "can't have it both ways"--as sure as I was when I said it to my son, I'm not sure I'm so sure...

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