Sunday, August 23, 2015

Keeping Those Plates Spinning

As I paused from the work plate that has been spinning all week, and fielded a long list of questions and requests from my kids, I was reminded how hard it is to keep all the plates spinning at the same time. As we throw ourselves into making one thing a success, we can't help but slow down on the others. Yet, as I put some of the slowed down plates back in motion, I also realized that even the best plate spinners among us put on a much better show when we have a few extra hands, a few extra minds, a few extra hours.

When my kids were younger, there were babysitters and other parents who helped keep the plates spinning. These days, we often have to find the "extra" on our own, whether it's siblings helping siblings, neighbors keeping an eye out, or simply us getting a little more creative. The plates keep spinning, sometimes a little faster, sometimes a little slower. And most of the time, we can keep them from smashing to the ground. It's just a question of how we use our hands and our minds and our resources. And how determined we are, even as circumstances change, to keep the plates spinning.

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