Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Eyes On The Tonys

I love the Tony Awards show. Not only is it a really entertaining broadcast, these days, it is a wacky combination of a glimpse of the shows I haven't had the time or money to see and a reminder that I actually live in the city where it is all happening.

This year, there were additional reasons to be excited, as two of the winners were people with whom I've worked. It's not that I'm looking to drop names, but it is worthy of note when someone whose work you've seen close up is recognized for work you've seen only from afar. It is inspiring to see that someone who came, at least partly, from the same place as you has gone so far. And, of course, it is nice to see good things happen to people you know from personal experience to be good people.

So, this year, I watched the Tonys with slightly different eyes. Though I don't work in the theater, and perhaps I never will, I felt oddly connected. Though I was sitting far from the theater (well, actually not that far), I felt close. Though I ended up editing news packages about the event, I felt more emotionally invested than ever. And, on top of it all, I was reminded of how lucky I've been to work with creative, talented people like these throughout my career.

The Tonys are over for another year, and I can't help but wonder where I'll be and what I'll be doing when they roll around again next year. Will I have made creative choices or worked on special projects? Will I still be right where it's all happening? Through what eyes will I watch the Tonys then...?

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