Wednesday, March 8, 2017

What Life To Live

It has been a One Life to Live kind of week. From coffee with a fellow Lifer to proclamations of birthdays and souvenirs on Facebook, I have been surrounded by throwbacks to my past, and reminded of multiple eras of that past (because when you're in a place long enough, there really can be multiple eras).

There was a time when it all would have made me feel a little sad for what once was. But this week, what I felt was an incredible feeling of fullness. Though my life may be different now, there is this whole group of people and memories surrounding me. We may not be celebrating birthdays on a set or in a rehearsal hall together, but we still celebrate. We may have forgotten about the details of those long ago days, but a memento here and there brings it all back. We may spend our days on different endeavors and with different people, but it takes only a cup of coffee to bridge the gap with old friends.

So, in a life filled with the new, there is still room for the old. And I can't help but think that a week of One Life to Live makes the "new" a somewhat better life to live.

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