Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Finding Meaning

As I look for the meaning in the traditions and rituals of today, I find it in the unexpected--

It is less in the words of the prayers and more in the reading them alongside so many people I realize I know.

It is less in the solemnity and more in the joy.

It is less in the dressing up and more in the going together.

It is less in the looking just within myself and more in the looking around me at others' faces.

It is less in the text of the speeches and more in the people who are speaking.

It is less about just reflecting on my own year and more about doing so in a room full of people doing the same about theirs.

It is less about disconnecting for the day and more about reconnecting.

It is less about observance and more about gratitude.

It is less about individuality and more about community.

It is a little about what is and what was and more about what could be.

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