Monday, August 22, 2016

Change Of Scene

I am constantly amazed when I go to a show and the scenic, prop, and costume changes between scenes are quicker than seems humanly possible. There is, in fact, not much that drags a show down for me as much as having to wait too long between scenes while a set piece is being dragged off or a series of props are set just so. And so, I suppose it is not that surprising that an effective change of scene in life makes me pretty happy too.

We don't travel much. Somehow along the way, with the ups and downs of work, and with the adventures of parenthood, the hours of life got largely taken up with just getting by--financially, logistically, and even emotionally. All of that doesn't necessarily leave time or energy for hefty vacation plans. What I've realized, however, is that just as a show can impress me simply with fluid scene changes, life can satisfy me with not just with the extravaganzas, but with the occasional change of scene. When we spend a few days with different people, we gain a new outlook. When we eat different meals on a different schedule, we satisfy a different hunger. When we walk out the door to different surroundings, we see that we can fill our days differently than we thought.

Just as in the theater, the change of scene has made a big difference. The show goes on. And I am eager to see what will happen next...

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