Saturday, October 12, 2013

Advance Planning

My daughter is trying to work out her Halloween costume. On the one hand, it seems early to me--usually we scramble at the last minute for costumes. On the other hand, I'm grateful that perhaps we won't be scrambling at the last minute. On the other hand (yes, I understand I only have two hands), I am extremely afraid that I will be roped into creating some big, complicated thing between now and October 31st.

Okay, so Halloween's not exactly my best holiday. I'm really good at the gift holidays--I like buying and making stuff for people. But when I am called upon to transform people for one night while trying not to spend the bunches of money that all the trick-or-treat pop-up stores would have you spend, I tend to be more than a little overwhelmed. It gives me even more appreciation for the costume and wardrobe people who used to outfit dozens of principals and extras for the One Life to Live Halloween shows (not to mention every episode all year). It's not easy to make someone look like someone else while staying on budget.

I have hope that my daughter will figure out a person or a character or a food (I love seeing people dressed as food) to be, and with enough lead time for me to have a chance of making it work (there have been years when my creations have been vetoed day-of). And while I'm giving out candy to other people's kids, I can get a jump on ideas for next year (and write them down so I won't be in the same place a year from now).

For another take on this story, check out

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