Thursday, April 10, 2014

On A Wednesday

If I remember correctly, I had a co-worker at One Life to Live who swore that every significant thing there happened on a Wednesday. Not plot points on the show, of course--any soap person could tell you that the important days, at least back then, were Mondays and Fridays. But behind the scenes, things happened on Wednesdays. Or so she said. Firings, edicts, big meetings, new policies. Perhaps even the announcement of the soaps' cancellation. Back then, if it was a Wednesday, you would do well to watch your back.

Honestly, I haven't thought too much about that Wednesday thing these past few years. I've been concentrating on Mondays (when I was unemployed, and that was my day to claim benefits and to start a new round of job letters), and on Fridays (when another week is done--for me and my kids--and I shift into weekend mode).

Today, however, so much seemed to happen that I actually asked, out loud, "What day is it?" While the Wednesday thing has not been consciously with me for years, clearly, it has been kicking around my subconscious. It was a feel-good moment, actually--that moment of connecting the present with the past. I guess that's the nice thing about having had a long history somewhere. That history is always somehow with you, even when you think you have moved far away from it.

Obviously, not everything really happens on Wednesdays. If we had done a scientific study back then, I'm sure we would have realized that. It was just interesting to feel as though we could see a pattern, even if we tended to see it in retrospect, rather than in real time. And, of course, if you're always worried that something will happen--on Wednesday or on any day--you tend to give up just living that day. And with a finite number of days in each week, who among us can really afford to give one up to worrying?

This Wednesday came and went, and I have hope that tomorrow, being Thursday, will be somewhat less eventful.

And if Friday brings a cliffhanger, I'll know that my history is still very much a part of me.

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