Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Shoeless Wonder

I remember the day, years ago, when we got new carpet and decided that from then on, we would all take off our shoes in the apartment. Since then, I have read countless times about how much from the outside comes in when you leave your shoes on. Besides, many days, I would like nothing more than to take my shoes off as soon as I walk in after a long day.

The problem is, when I take my shoes off, it appears that I have actually taken my first step--yes, first STEP--toward falling asleep.

It sounds crazy. I know. People sleep when they're sleepy, shoes or not, right? Yet, somehow for me, leaving my shoes on keeps me active--keeps me up making dinner, or going down to the lobby for mail. Shoes keep me doing and thinking and thinking of what to do. And the minute the shoes come off, it seems that the thinking and the doing just go along with them.

So--how to serve the cleanliness and comfort factors while remaining as productive as possible at the end of each day?

1. Standing. (I'm actually standing as I write this blog. It may not be the most comfortable position, but I am still awake and writing, so who am I to complain?)

2. Engaging. While I don't necessarily need to help with every bit of homework or be a player in every video game, staying tuned in to what my family is doing not only keeps me awake, it keeps me AWARE--of, well, what my family is doing. Which is probably a good thing.

3. Writing. Whether I'm standing up or not, grabbing moments to write always makes me happy after the fact. I have taken off my shoes, and I actually still have something to show for it.

4. Cleaning. Oh, never mind. It might be a good one, but who wants to give it that much credit? When you write, you have something on paper or in a computer document to show for it. When you clean in a household of five, what you have to show for it lasts for about two seconds.

5. Putting away your shoes. You'll be needing them, and in good shape, for your next time out (if you let yourself sleep at some point, so that you can wake up for your next time out).

So--having made it through a whole blog post, shoeless and awake, I now declare that it is time to enjoy my shoeless wonder-fulness. Tomorrow is another day. And I suspect I'll be needing to wear shoes.

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