Thursday, June 11, 2015

Little of This, Little of That

I worked with someone today who talked about wanting to do things right, about not wanting to rely on "little of this, little of that" fixes to problems. As she spoke, I glanced around at our laptop, which is connected to a monitor because the laptop's own screen doesn't work, at a standing fan, which supplements the power of a less than adequate air conditioner, and at the stacks of plates and cups in our cabinets, which don't even come close to matching. Pretty much my whole life is comprised of "little of this, little of that" fixes. And most of the time, it works pretty well.

Do I wish that the devices and pathways in my life were simpler and more straightforward? Perhaps. There are times when it would help a lot if the laptop were actually mobile, the way you expect a laptop to be. There are moments when I think it would be nice not to have a giant fan in my living room. And there are times when I wish I had the kind of job that made it clear, for years on end, where I needed to go, and for what hours, each day. Sometimes, however, all we can do, with our things and with our lives, is make the best of what we are dealt. In the case of my life, that means a little more clutter to get cool air or computer time, and daily negotiation of where I will be and what I will be doing (and, therefore, daily negotiation of how my family needs to adjust). It's not perfect. It's a "little of this, little of that" reaction to a life where the "right way" just isn't always possible.

I would like to think we are being adaptable. I would like to think we are learning the life skills that will equip us for bigger crises than a crippled laptop. Maybe we are, maybe we're not. In the meantime, we're simply saving money and time and energy (okay, maybe not energy with the A/C+fan combo) for the time when we will need to, and be able to, do things "just the right way." I figure as long as we can make it through each day of our "little of this, little of that" life, maybe we'll end up doing just as well as "just right."

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