Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Wait A Minute

Life seems to be full of waiting--waiting for buses, waiting for a free shower, waiting for a response--the list could go on. And if you are a person who likes things to happen, waiting can be debilitating. You can't force a cake to bake faster. You can't make someone else make a decision. So, often, waiting is just inevitable, right?

What I am finding, in a time when waiting--for just about everything--could wipe me out, is that waiting for some things does not have to mean waiting for everything. Perhaps we can't eat the cake now, but we can clear away the extra ingredients and tools to make room for it. Maybe we can't force a response to come, but we can keep sending questions into the world so that there are more places from which a response might come. We still have to wait our turn, wait on line, wait it out, but we can do while we are waiting. And doing is worthwhile, whether it prepares us, or entertains us, or simply keeps us occupied while we wait.

Wait a minute? We all probably wait far more than a minute on a very regular basis. But when we choose to use our waiting time, rather than simply wring our hands through it, a minute, and even more, can go quickly, so that before we know it, we are moving, and succeeding, and eating cake as we go.

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