Friday, September 7, 2012

Quiet, Please, I'm Editing

As I attempt to embrace my freelance life, it occurs to me that I should brush up on a few skills, including, but not limited to, the following:

1.  Time Management--There are a finite number of minutes between 8:30 school dropoff and 3:00 school pickup.  Use as many as possible.

2.  Wrestling--Sometimes it takes that to gain control of the computer if it's outside the hours of 8:30-3:00.

3.  Meditation to Eliminate Sound--It's not simple to think, much less write or edit, with three kids and a husband practicing piano and watching TV, and when they're not here, construction in the apartment upstairs.

4.  Tremendous Willpower (or locks on the kitchen drawers and cabinets).  Some mom who lives here buys really yummy treats for her kids.

5.  Juggling--With three kids, three schools, and approximately 15 afterschool activities and volunteer commitments, this one should be self-explanatory.

6.  Closing of Vents--When you're working full-time, you generally know the people you can vent to.  When you work from home, there's no one in the room you can vent to, except maybe your family, and they tend to out-vent you pretty quickly.

7.  Patience--To know that the next gig will come.

8.  Weightlifting--To handle things when the next three gigs all come at the same time.

9.  Clarity--To know that even if freelancing is open-ended, weekends are still weekends, and you should try to enjoy them.

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Venting can be just an email away!!! Feedback may not be as immediate, but the release can be satisfying.
    Side note- I recently found this website to vent quietly with....
    I only wish I could have more pins.
