Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Welcome Back

Welcome to week two of "Not Washed Up Yet," and if you've been reading each day, thanks.  I encourage you to comment, here and on Facebook.

My "Welcome Back" is not just to you.  As part of getting back to our school year routine, the kids and I went to an Ice Cream Social at our Hebrew School today.  Though I'm not always social, I rarely pass up ice cream, and I figured it would be a good way for all of us to continue our journey through back-to-school mode.

True to my not-so-social-self, I mostly sat with my own kids and their friends, but I did talk to a few people I rarely see except at Hebrew School pick up and events.  You see, sometimes what we all call socializing is really just looking for some sort of normalcy, which back-to-school kind of gives us.  So even if the kids and I haven't seen many of the people all summer, seeing them again somehow returns us to that place where we mostly know what to expect.  For many months in the spring, we, the parents,  knew we'd see each other weekly while waiting for our kids, and now that will start again.

Part of the challenge of life in general and unemployment in particular is that you are always fielding the curve balls because you never quite know what to expect.  Today's "welcome back" party reminded me that sometimes a little normalcy goes a long way (especially when it comes with a side of ice cream).

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