Tomorrow, I get my time back. Well, at least between 9am and 3pm.
My kids go back to school, two gone by 7:3o, the third by 8:30.
I ought to be full of exclamation points. Hours of uninterrupted time on the computer without worry that someone will exit my editing or an unsaved writing sample to play a video game! Hours without hearing kids' TV unless I want to watch it as research! Hours of not negotiating fights! Hours of being able to accomplish! Wait, what am I trying to accomplish?
Some time between when the kids came back from their grandparents' and now, the last day before the first day of school, there suddenly became a whole lot of question marks.
When you're working, there are a lot of definites. A lot of periods. You need to be at work at a definite time. Period. So you have to leave home at a definite time and take a definite train. Period. There are definite hours when you need childcare, and there is a definite time when you'll be home. Period. (Well, okay, not necessarily when you work on a soap opera). And some days, if they're really good, there's an exclamation point!
When you're looking for work, it's all about the question marks.
Will anyone call me today about a job? Will I be able to get last minute childcare if someone does call me today about a job? Why shouldn't I eat the cookies on the counter? They're here, I'm here, and I did go to the gym today, didn't I? Do I say "Writer" first in my LinkedIn profile or "Director"? Or "Editor"? Does anyone really know what an AD is? Do I really have to clean the house just because I'm home and everyone else is out?
Though this may not continue when I wake them at 6:30am, my kids are right now so excited about school (exclamation point!) that I hereby resolve that, starting at 5:30am (when I'll get up--gulp!), to live by the exclamation point. Write those letters! Send those resumes! Go for coffee! (the caffeinated version, of course--this is exclamation point time!)
And use every one of those minutes until 3:00!
Love your blog! Keep it up!!