Thursday, January 17, 2013

Glasses Half Full of Lemons into Lemonade

In light of the New York City school bus strike, my scooter-obsessed son has taken a break from the scooter.  You see, now he has a student MetroCard, given only to kids who don't ride the school bus. He had been begging me for months to buy him his own MetroCard (to which I'd replied, "Where are you planning to go by yourself?"), and now he has one (even if I hold on to it for safekeeping between dropoff and pickup). So, despite the fact that the bus strike forces him to get up and out earlier, and to be part of picking up his sister, who doesn't have a bus either, he is happy, because he has his very own MetroCard.  Without even trying, he has happily turned lemons into lemonade.

Would that it were so easy for us grownups to do the lemonade thing.  I consider myself a generally "glass half full" kind of person, but there comes a time when putting a positive spin on things that aren't so positive is just HARD. Not having enough work may mean more time with my kids but also means less money to keep them "equipped" and less feeling of self-worth to keep me sane.  For better or for worse, I've become too much of a grownup to see just the positive. So I settle for finding little positives, like a laugh with a friend, or an excellent hot shower, my cousin's blog "Virtual Jar," or a bag of cookie crumbs falling right side up rather than all over the floor.  And some days, the little positives add up, and by day's end, the glass actually feels half-full.

So, while the bus strike continues, we will likely take lots of buses with my son's prized MetroCard. And courtesy of all of it, my networking days will start later and end earlier (which I actually might be able to spin as a positive, since I tend to accomplish more on tighter deadlines).  I guess maybe I am that "glass half full" person after all.


Make my half-full glass lemonade.

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