Sunday, January 20, 2013

More Than Just Dust Bunnies

Today, as a part of cleanup in my kids' room, my daughter shimmied under her sister's bed to see why her trundle wouldn't push all the way in. What she found included practically a full load of assorted laundry (no wonder they never have any pairs of socks!), a book or two, random earrings, and, of course, a few dust bunnies.

I suspect that almost all of my weekend blog posts involve some cleaning-related topic--we tend to spend at least some part of Saturday and Sunday recovering from a week's or multiple week's worth of chaos.  But in the case of the under-bed discoveries, the standard "why do we have to clean?" moans turned into "oh, my gosh, I was wondering what happened to that!" gasps.

Sometimes it takes a lot of digging to find what you've been missing.  Whether it's a sock or a new path that you need, days and weeks of highly efficient excavation don't necessarily do the trick.  Sometimes it takes looking at things from a completely different angle.

As I watched my daughter, who is now almost too big to fit under the bed, throw items out from the abyss, I laughed at how obvious a place it was to look when we were missing things, and yet, how it took needing to solve the "bed won't move" problem even to think about looking there.

Which means I should probably not sit in the same chair every time I job search.  And not take the same path every time I pick up a child from school.  That I should mix up my routine and work to fix the little things, both so that they'll be fixed, and so that I'll get to see things from a different angle. As I discovered today, sometimes that really makes the difference.

And for another angle change,  eating breakfast while standing on my head.  Okay, never mind.  You can shake up my routine, but, whatever you do, don't mess with breakfast.

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