Thursday, June 27, 2013

And, We're Off!

Summer Vacation, Day One. I have decided to take the day off so that I can sleep in with my kids, which I don't, since my body is completely programmed to get up early, so I take the car in for its State Inspection, only to find a mostly still sleeping household when I return home, so I have to cajole people to get up so we can go to the movie that we talked about last night when I decided I'd better make plans so we wouldn't schlump through the day, and I manage to get us all there and out of there without spending too much on claw game machines before we go home to have lunch in the apartment we then try to clean before we can go out for frozen yogurt (a post-doctor's appointment treat), which makes  it a good thing that I don't cook dinner till late, leaving us still with ample time to play Legos and watch reruns, since there's no homework and it's not a school night.

And thus begins summer for a person who has a very hard time sitting still and getting nothing accomplished. (Though, perhaps it's good that it's summer, since no teacher I know would ever, ever, allow a sentence as long as that one above.)

But we're off! (Well, at least they are!)

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