Saturday, June 1, 2013


It appears as though my personal Friday cliffhanger (and yours, if you read faithfully every day) is whether I can stay awake on a Friday, after a week of work, to write the day's post. Thankfully, a blog isn't quite like "making air."

Just as the idea of a cliffhanger has changed with the evolution of soaps (it used to be that you'd do the best ones on a Friday so the audience would come back on the Monday, but now people watch anytime), the nature of a cliffhanger has changed in our real lives as well. With so many plates spinning at a time (I can't believe I'm the only one who feels like that circus guy with the poles and the plates), there are so many things that can change, succeed, fail, or smash in a million pieces at any given moment, it's hard to know where the next cliffhanger will be. Which keeps life interesting (you kind of have to tune in every day), and extremely challenging. And yet, we go on, spinning those plates, living our lives, facing those challenges.

And if a blog written late is the biggest cliffhanger for today, I guess the plates are actually spinning pretty well. It just means the next one will come that much sooner!

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