Sunday, June 9, 2013

Family Days

Living in a family means you often end up doing not just those things you choose to do, but a whole bunch of things that are the choices of your fellow family members. Today was that kind of a day in our family.

Today, there was a piano recital, which became two when the original one conflicted with a playoff little league game. Today was watching that little league game, and taking a long train ride to get there. Today was pausing from housework to share the Tony awards with under-18 theater geeks. Today was refraining from removing a 3 day old, still in progress Monopoly game, even if that meant refraining from vacuuming (we wouldn't want to suck up a house, hotel, or Scotty dog!)

I could say that every family member who made sacrifices for the others did so without question or complaint. Which would be a lie. There were sore feet and tired kids, dinner too late, and a week that will begin with a chaotic apartment and laundry that is still dirty. But today, we were there for and with each other. And that's what really matters. The laundry and the apartment will get clean, and we will all eventually catch up on our sleep. And because of days like today, we will remember that, above all, we are a family.

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