Saturday, June 8, 2013

Work in Progress

This morning, I got an email from a friend, commenting on the difference in my posts since my starting work in Stamford. While I knew I was no longer writing all the time about the challenges of looking for work, I don't know if it had occurred to me that my tone was so different. For, you see, I really do live--and write--day to day. So, just as parents don't necessarily notice their children's day to day growth, I never really stepped back to see the writing change. It just happened.

I also don't think I ever thought when I named this blog "Not Washed Up Yet" that the soap portion would be part of my present. It would simply be reminiscences mixed in with the moving forward to a totally different life. But when you leave yourself open to all the possibilities that come along, sometimes the things that do come along are, well, not what you expected. The good news is, the unexpected can be really great, whether just as a step or as a new place. And it can give you a new set of things for future reminiscing. This week, I was reminded of how excited I was to explore the world of other work when the soaps ended at ABC. And while this exploration didn't lead quite where I'd imagined it would, it, and this blog, are clearly works in progress. Which is really pretty much what our lives are anyway, if we allow them to be. And, as for me, I'll take any and all input on this work in progress. It's all part of the exploration that continues every day.

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