Sunday, June 2, 2013

Smoothies and Spin

After several months as a recipient of catering and craft services, a person comes to expect things.

Okay, that's not entirely true, but it is true that on a hot day, I did expect to be able to get a cold shake-like, smoothie-like drink. Yet, on the block where we were today, we went to multiple places where all the machines to make such things were broken (and, it appeared, had been all day, but with no posted sign to say so). Puzzling, and certainly disappointing, but mostly just very, very funny (especially when we conjured up a picture of the repairman relaxing on the beach and, therefore, unavailable to fix ice cream machines).

To be fair, the iced drink adventure was just a little blip in our day. But it was a great opportunity to realize the power of spin. Spin--the thing that makes the good into the super-amazing, the thing that turns a disaster into a good laugh. The thing that keeps the employee loyal and the fan attached. After years of watching the use of spin in assorted workplaces, I've gotten pretty good at using spin to get through a day of parenthood. And today, several iced coffees later (oh, is that why I have wide awake children?), and with the picture of a repairman on the beach still in our heads, we'd been successfully cooled. At least we thought so. Probably because we'd been successfully spun.

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