Monday, December 9, 2013

Different Times, Different Rhymes

What began as a blog written during the day (when I was working from home or looking for work) or written at night (to explore what had happened during the day) is quickly becoming an early morning blog (since I quite often fall asleep before I get to it at night). And it's interesting how different your perspective can be based on when you're writing...

Day--what's happening right now--on the street, at a bus stop, after an interview.
Night--what happened (perhaps many hours ago), and how everything else that happened in the hours afterward connected with that one event.
Early morning--what happened, tempered by a good night's sleep since it happened, therefore, the distance (and possibly dream state) to process it fully.


I suppose this is no different from how, every day, there are circumstances that change our perspective. About how the same event, surrounded by different circumstances, can be a completely different event for us.

It's seeing the differences, and valuing them, that keep life interesting.

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