Saturday, December 28, 2013

Nothing--But Everything

Sometimes on vacation, it feels as though you have done exactly nothing. If it's a sightseeing trip, you might have an agenda, but if it's just a relaxing trip, the days seem to slip by, and at the end of each one, it's a little hard to tell what has really happened.

Perhaps this is just just the definition of vacation, but when you are used to measuring days by how much you accomplish, it's a little hard to handle. Not to mention a little hard to blog about.

So as I was writing this blog, I tried to think about what I HAD done today, and it turned out to be a little more than I thought....

I made up for my absence at home by sending emails to get the ball rolling on some things.

I went shopping with my kids, during which I found out a little about what is and isn't important to them--and what is and isn't important to me.

I watched my kids gain a little more insight into their family history, as their relatives told stories about them as kids (and about my childhood as well).

I talked with people about more than just work, even if some of the "more" was just salad vegetables and cooking time .

I banked sleep for when I'm not able to get as much (even though I know that the banking won't really work).

So basically, I did nothing today. Except, sometimes, nothing is everything.

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