Saturday, February 1, 2014

Loose Ends

It seems that Friday lends itself to tying up loose ends. Emails are sent to work folks on Friday because those work folks might not check, much less respond to, emails on the weekend. Backpacks that have been in transit all week get checked for notes and things gone missing. The mess that has accumulated for days is suddenly visible--and sometimes horrifying. Perhaps the ends have been loose or loosening all week, but on Fridays, the need to tie them up becomes more urgent.

The problem is, as with all loose ends, the Friday ones aren't necessarily easily tied up. And while a person might see them more clearly on Friday, that doesn't mean that a person can handle them any better on Friday (note that even this blog about them is being written not on Friday, but on Saturday).

So, while Friday may be a good day to see the loose ends, and Saturday may be a good day to start tying them up, sometimes it may be necessary just to accept that there will be loose ends--things that you can't easily tie up, things that will wake you in the night, things that will go on even past the Friday or the Saturday or the next week.

Because sometimes that's how life is. Lots of loose ends, and not always enough knots in the world to tie them up.

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