Monday, June 2, 2014

What I Am (And What I'm Not)

I started writing a post about the nature of jobs and job searching, and how both have changed over my years of working. Deep stuff, huh?

About a third of the way through, I heard myself sounding like half of the job boards and newsletters I receive in my inbox, and I stopped typing. While this blog may have grown out of my job searching experiences, I thought, that's not really what "Not Washed Up Yet" is about. It's about change and adaptation, and about finding the good in the lousy. I am in awe of my friends who change jobs regularly, by choice or out of necessity, but I am no expert. I am finding my way--as many of us are--from a work life that ran in a straight (well, fairly straight) line to one that twists and turns on a daily basis. I am finding my way through a home life that changes each day. And on the good days (and on the bad ones too), I am sharing a little bit of what I've learned--or a laugh I've had--along the way.

I'll leave the job blogging to the job bloggers. I'm just grateful that I'm not washed up yet.

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