Thursday, October 23, 2014

Managing Drama

Today, in the drama of work (I can't help it--I work in an industry prone to drama), I found myself staring straight ahead at my computer, chugging through my work at hand. Sure, I paused, and even peeked out my office door from time to time, so as not to miss anything, but for most of the hours I was there, I forged ahead with a kind of intense focus.

I say this not to demonstrate how hard a worker I am. While I do derive satisfaction from a job done well and quickly, what struck me about this day was the degree to which I found the focus calming. Somehow, in the midst of chaos, intense focus relaxed me. If I couldn't control what was around me, I could at least control what was in front of me. Whether or not anyone would care to see, I would have something to show for my time, time that would, with such focus, pass quickly.

Often, we get caught up in the drama. It is easy, and it is fun (or wearying, depending on the nature of the drama!). But when the drama is over, where are we? In my business, perhaps just prepared for more drama. Today, I found out that for me, the not very dramatic computer screen was my lifesaver. It kept me focused, and productive, available enough to witness drama, but distanced enough not be overcome by it.

In my business, there will always be drama, and that's okay. Drama can be fun, as long as we know, at least some of the time, just how to manage it.

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