Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Seek, And Ye Shall Find

Today at work, I had a bit of a research job--for part of my day, I was "looking for" instead of "putting together." While I had moments of frustration about not having all the pieces at hand, or at least easily findable, it was an interesting piece of detective work, and a nice diversion from the everyday.

As I searched through file after file, I realized I was finding out more about the organization of things than I had discovered in months of working. While my detective task might not have been a completely successful one, it was a huge success for the long haul, as I will know things going forward that will help my work flow.

Sometimes that's how life is--often, what seems like a wild goose chase helps us understand the farm. Sometimes a mystery that we can't quite solve informs how we solve the next one that comes along. Sometimes it takes stepping out of our everyday mode to know how to handle our every day tasks.

Today, there were moments when I wondered if my "search and rescue" mission was a waste of time. By the end of the day, I realized that searching, even when you don't find exactly what you're looking for, is rarely a waste of time. It's just another way to see the big picture.

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