Today, on the daylight end of an overnight at work, I had coffee with an
old friend. We'd kind of grown up in soaps together--only rarely on the
same show, but connected throughout the years nonetheless. She
apologized for keeping me from the nap she could see I desperately
needed, to which I replied that the nap would come (and she'd know when
as soon as I wasn't making much sense any more!). And so it was that for
an hour, we recalled old times and discussed what new times meant for
people with our history. We caught up on the children who were just
infants in our soap days. We remembered old colleagues and did a little
"where are they now?" And we shared thoughts of "where do we go from
here," an inevitable question in the changing world of New York
When the hour was up (and it was very clearly time for my nap), I walked
away with the warm feeling of having reconnected with a friend, a past, a
former self. I walked away with the inspiration of seeing how someone
else had handled some of the same challenges in different ways. And I
walked away with new burst of energy for my next few days, months, and
Perhaps, because of the time spent and the sugar consumed (I do try to
avoid actual caffeine pre-nap), I ended up with less sleep than I
needed. But I came away with much more. Re-connection can be an
eye-opening thing...
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