Sunday, November 1, 2015

Just Another Hallow's Eve

It is Halloween, and I am at work. There is a particular irony here--after years of arranging weekday work to be home to costume my kids and give out candy, we arrive at a year with Saturday Halloween, and I am not there.

I could have arranged to be off, I suppose. After all, freelancing does include the (use it wisely!) privilege of giving "unavailable" dates. But when I was choosing those dates, I simply didn't think of Halloween as one of them.

It's not that my kids would be sidelined in my absence--they are old enough, and quite eager enough, to trick-or-treat in our building on their own, and I have spent my free hours over the last few weeks and my free moments over the last few days putting together costume pieces. And while I have enjoyed receiving candy-seeking visitors these last few years, I'm okay with not having had to buy pounds of treats.

And so it is that I am receiving updates--on wardrobe malfunctions (not many) and candy acquisition (huge) long distance. There will be pictures, and there will be excitedly told stories about all the adventures. And for weeks, if not longer, there will be candy.

It is Halloween, and I am at work. Because I'm a freelancer. Because I currently work in a business that doesn't stop for weekends. Because my kids are learning to be what is ultimately the best of all things--independent. And because it's just another Hallow's Eve.

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