At every Children's Media Association event I attend, I introduce myself
differently. My name is always Tracy, but "what I do" changes pretty
much every time.
When I first joined the group, I was still working at One Life to Live.
So, though I was aspiring to work in children's TV, I was very much
working in soaps, so I was "Tracy--I'm an AD, Director, and Editor at
One Life to Live but it won't last forever, and I'm trying to transition
to children's media."
When One Life ended, it was "Tracy--worked as a director and Editor on
soaps and sitcoms for a long time, and now that soaps have left New
York, I am looking to work in kids' stuff."
After a while, the demise of One Life seemed like old news to be
reporting, so I became "Tracy, looking for work in children's media."
And when I began spending many hours working on a children's book idea,
I could actually introduce myself with something children-related,
which was a relief. At least until reality editing came along and took
the place of all the "alone-in-the-apartment" writing I'd been doing.
These days, there are times when Video Editor comes first--it seems to
be the thing that people understand. Last night, I think Writer may
have come first (that's what happens when I'm writing my blog on the
way). And with my brain spinning about the sitcom pilot I'm frantically
editing at home and the reality editing I'm returning to tomorrow, and
the music video I'll be editing next, plus a new interest in my
children's book idea, I suspect I came across either as someone who does
it all, or as someone who has no idea what she wants to do. Believe
me, I heard lots of people with a variety of job titles at a variety of
shows and networks, and a whole lot of people saying "writer wanting to
work in children's television," but not many had a crazy list like
So as I sit here today, editing the sitcom. and writing my blog, and
looking over my children's stories in the precious moments while the
computer renders effects, I can't say how I'll define myself today. And
until I take up residence in a dictionary, maybe that's okay.
Totally "someone who does it all"!