Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ducks and Rollercoasters

This morning, I made what used to be a without fail yearly trip to Macy's Herald Square to buy the holiday stuffed animal.  This year, it is an Aflac duck, sold in two sizes.  Times have changed since I bought my first Macy's holiday animal over 20 years ago.  You used to have to buy something else just to be able to buy the animal, and I spent many hours over the years figuring out what to buy in a store that mostly just overwhelmed me.  Then came a time when you could just buy the animal, which I did, just about every year.  But at this time last year, as my job was close to ending, I certainly couldn't justify spending money on a stuffed animal.

Today, I was also without a job. But, armed with a gift card I had unearthed, there I was, buying a duck (and a few as gifts).  And when I ventured to the Cellar, just to look at all the fancy foods and pots, what should I happen upon but one of last year's ducks, essentially the same animal as this year, but dressed differently, and saying 2011, a year when my spirits were low and my bank account was about to be low too.  But the rollercoaster goes up and down, and today, gift card in hand, I was not feeling so low.  There were no other 2011 animals.  I had come upon this one for a reason.  And, courtesy of my gift card, I came home with last year's stuffed animal and this year's.

I am sure there will be many more twists and turns on this rollercoaster of mine, days when a duck will help and days when it couldn't possibly.  Days when I believe there is no time or money for frivolous things, and days when I know that, despite the circumstances, there needs to be room for fun.

If I can weather the downs on this rollercoaster, I know I will get to the ups.  And the ducks.

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