Monday, November 12, 2012


I like sleep.  My second daughter would likely disagree with me, since a lovely, long sleep has me waking up at 8:30am, and she can sleep until 1:30pm if no one forces her to get up (which she did on Saturday).

Most days, I don't get my lovely, long sleep.  With children who need to get up starting at 6 for school buses that pick up starting at 7, I wake up closer to 5, so that I can answer emails, go to the gym, and, on a good day, shower and start making lunches before I get anyone else up.

No wonder I like sleep, I'm exhausted already.

In the first few months of my freelance/unemployed life, while I didn't succumb to hours of TV during the day (except for research), I'll admit that I enjoyed a nap in the afternoon sun, which hits right on a particular spot on my couch.  It didn't necessarily help my nighttime sleep, but it felt like a wonderful luxury, never available to me in 20-some odd years of working.  (we always talked about putting a nap item on the One Life to Live "order of the day," but it never actually happened.)

Recently, there's barely enough time for sleeping at night, much less, indulging in sleep during the day.  And I guess that's a good thing.  It must mean that enough is chugging along in my life and my kids' lives that, without being "back to normal," we are back to normal, at least sort of.  I do a lot of work, either at home or somewhere else, we have only as much babysitting as we absolutely need, and I'm scrambling to make sure that everyone is gotten home at the end of the day, and that there is somehow dinner on the table, in time for me (and the gang) to go to bed so that we can be prepared to start all over again tomorrow.

Again, no wonder I like sleep, I'm exhausted already.

And on that note, blog written, kids mostly settled in, I will begin my weekday version of a lovely, long sleep, more like a short, intense sleep started as early as physically possible.

Tomorrow is another day.

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