Sunday, November 11, 2012

One Small Voice in the Universe

Over the summer, my daughters performed in a production of Seussical the Musical, an interesting conglomeration of pieces of Seuss books, complete with the crazy, colorful costumes you'd think of from your favorite Dr. Seuss classic.

One of the show's songs has stuck with me all these months, particularly this lyric--"one small voice in the universe, one true friend in the universe, who believes in me."

There are lots of days when I feel that I am a very small voice. After talking non-stop in a control room for years, having people react to what you say, it's hard to think your voice is big when you send resumes into the Internet universe and there is little response.  It's hard to think your voice is big when some days you can't quite tell what your next step will be.  But I have been struck these last few days by the second part of the lyric, the part that makes me think of the people who, though they now haven't worked with me for close to a year, are still keeping their eyes and ears open for me, still writing references for me, still following what I do--including this blog.

So when I begin to feel small in the universe, these people--my true friends in the universe--matter, and their belief in me helps me believe in myself.  It is they who will help ensure that I end up in places where my voice can be heard again--in a big way.

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