Wednesday, December 5, 2012

No Drama Today

One could argue that this will be a boring post.  After all, any good soap is all about the drama, and today, there were no bus mishaps, no ridiculously tired children, no exciting emails, no interviews.  In short, no drama.  I found myself singing a song from the movie A League of Their Own--"I miss the tears, I miss the laughter."  Not that I want to be crying--heavens no!--but it somehow feels odd when I go through a day without drama.  I'm looking for it--in my email, with my kids, in my travels about the city.  I guess when you spend so many years with the on-screen AND behind-the-scenes drama of a soap AND you have three kids, drama becomes a daily given.

So there I am, having nothing blogworthy to write, due to the absurd lack of drama in my day, and that crazy song pops into my head.  (One day, these sentimental songs may do me in.)  But today, as I continued to sing this song, I got to "We are the lucky ones.  Some people never get to do, all we got to do."  Which reminded me that, aside from today, I've had plenty of drama over the years.  So if today was what we used to call a Wednesday airshow--no huge cliffhanger--that's okay.  There will be a Friday airshow--much more exciting--in my life again before I know it (and maybe sooner than I want it).  Perhaps way before Friday.

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