Monday, May 26, 2014

Weekends and Holidays and Work, Oh My!

For the last few years, holiday weekends have been among my most stressful, as I combed through job postings, believing that I'd find something perfect and gettable, but knowing full well that no employer would actually look at anything during a three day period full of sun and barbecue.

When I woke this morning to an inbox that included my normal job site emails, I was filled with relief as I quickly deleted them. For, at this moment in time, I know that when the sun and barbecue are over, I have somewhere to go. I know that my week won't depend on resumes sent or networking accomplished or bills I'm struggling to pay. (Okay, the bills don't go away. But you get the idea). I know that instead of being wound tight about one fewer day of applying, I can be relaxed about one fewer day of every member of my family running somewhere. Perhaps I can even take a moment to remember what the holiday weekend is about. None of this was really possible these last few years.

It's funny how perspective can change when you least expect it. Knowing that, I think I'll enjoy a little sun, a little barbecue (well, maybe not, in the city), and get ready to go back to work.

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