Saturday, December 27, 2014

Almost Like Home. But Not Quite

I set an early alarm, almost like at home, but didn't have to face elevators or public transportation.

I woke up my kids, almost like at home, but didn't have to try to see them in the dark of 6am or make sure they left the house in time and with backpacks of everything.

I tried to get a lot done, almost like at home, but was okay about it when there were still things left on the list at the end of the day.

I spent time with my children, almost like at home, but the time was spent playing games and talking things over, not arguing about homework and cleanup and getting things done.

I talked about my work, almost like at home, but for the purpose of catching people up, not for the purpose of making change.

I watched my kids work through stuff, almost like at home, but not stuff with school friends, stuff with each other.

We don't change who we are when we leave home, but we do get to experience a little something different. Almost like home, but not quite.

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