Tuesday, December 2, 2014

What Do I?

What do I listen to--what my kids want, or what I believe is good for them?

What do I look for--the best, or the best fit?

What do I respond to--the importance, or the money?

What do I see--the upside, or the downsides?

What do I hear--what other people think, or what matters to me?

What do I strive for--accomplishment, or simplicity?

What do I aspire to--parent of the year, or just the best person I can be for today?

What do I understand--only what is in front of me, or what the things I can't see will mean?

What do I feel--exhilarated, challenged, or overwhelmed?

What do I choose--what seems right right now, or what will still be right, even if things change?

What do I know--what will check all the boxes, or what will make people happy?

What do I listen to--the noise all around, or the stillness within myself?

How will I know what's right--or do I just accept not knowing?

When will I learn--or does learning come after the listening and the seeing and the feeling and the understanding, mostly when it's much too late?

What do I do?

What I can. Because that is all any of us can do.

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