Monday, December 22, 2014

"It Came Without Packages, Boxes or Bags"

It was a gift-less night of Chanukah tonight. Late nights and laundry to be folded and an inescapable resistance to adding to an already cluttered space, and before I knew it, we were sitting around the menorah, singing, without packages in front of us to follow.

I had a "bad Mommy" moment. While Chanukah is never an extravagant holiday at our house, I am generally pretty good about coming up with at least a little something each night--this year, even things left in the morning some days when I'd be working late. But tonight, when I'd been essentially home all day, my gift-giving had just dried up.

And there we sat, around the menorah, singing. And when the singing was over, I expected "Why?" and "Aw, man, Mom," and the looks of disappointment that a parent knows all too well. What I got was a continuation of life. After a chuckle or two over our quirky way of lighting the menorah, and a brief playing of a musical gift one of the kids had received one of the other nights, we all returned to our evening. The homework got finished, and the laundry got folded, and we moved on. In the timeless words of Dr. Seuss, "It came without ribbons! It came without tags!" For just a moment in time, Chanukah was about sitting together, enjoying the candles, and listening a little before returning to our respective chores and interests.

I guess sometimes Chanukah (thanks again, Dr. Seuss!) "perhaps...means a little bit more."

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