Saturday, December 6, 2014

How're You Doing?

How many times a day do you ask or answer that question? How many times do you really know what you're asking, and how many times do you really know what's being asked? And how many times do you really want to hear the answer?

Is it "How're you doing?" meaning "Is this a good time?" or "How're you doing?" because you look a little under the weather, or "How're you doing?" because a person would like to say more than "Hi" but less than "How has your day been so far?"

And what about the answer? Is the answer to "How're you doing?" "Great!" because you want to appear happy to a boss or a friend or a stranger, or "Okay, I guess," because there's so much okay and not okay stuff swirling in your head that you're not sure, or "Not so great today," when you really want to vent a little?

The truth is, "How're you doing" can go any which way, for the asker and the askee. As I said to a co-worker today, in an exchange of "How're you doing?" that went in all possible directions, it's rare that the answer to "How're you doing?" is ever perfect on all fronts at the same time. When work is going well, it's the kids, when the kids are doing you proud, it's that nasty fall cold, and when you are perfectly healthy, and even well-rested, there is inevitably a work situation ready to put a monkey wrench in all of it.

So, go ahead, ask "How're you doing?" It's a bit friendlier than "Hi," and much more concise than "Tell me about your life." Just be prepared for what you hear--the answer just might surprise you.

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