Thursday, December 11, 2014

What You Find...Sometimes

Sometimes, celebration is found in the small moments, just as much as in the big events.

Sometimes, happiness is found in the effort made, just as much as in the result accomplished.

Sometimes, peace is found in the cacophony of togetherness, just as much as in the quiet of solitude.

Sometimes, learning is found in the day to day interactions, just as much as in the scheduled courses.

Sometimes, friendship is found in the little emails, just as much as in the well-planned get-togethers.

Sometimes, warmth is found in a real hug, just as much as in a giant parka.

Sometimes, appreciation is found in the on the run "thank-yous," just as much as in the cards and the pronouncements.

Sometimes, love is found in the little words and deeds, just as much as in the grand gestures.

Sometimes, what we're looking for can be found in the places we wouldn't expect, so it's important to keep our eyes open. All the time. For the big things, and the small.

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