Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Just When... think you've got a good thing going, it goes off-track. think you've figured out this parenting thing, you're hit with a situation you've never seen before.'ve worked out a daily schedule, one piece changes, and you're back to figuring stuff out all over again.'ve finally scheduled a coffee meeting or a teacher conference or a dentist appointment, your schedule changes, making the appointment impossible.'ve found things that work, those things somehow get lost.'re finally balanced (well, as balanced as could be expected), someone shakes your tightrope. And steals your balancing pole.'re thinking that you will be nagging your kids about homework forever, you turn around one day and realize that they've done it on their own.'re wondering how you're going to handle the latest career curve ball, the phone rings, and gives you a temporary solution.'re not sure how you'll cover all the bases, your kid/husband/sitter jumps in and makes it a little easier. thought you knew about every tool in your skill set (after all, you've written about them in hundreds of letters and resumes), you realize you have something to add. think things can't or won't change, it turns out they can. And they do. Just when you least expect it.

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