Thursday, January 15, 2015

What You Know...To Be Real

In a life that seems to change from the moment I go to bed to the moment I wake up, from morning till night and day to day, sometimes it's hard to have a clear picture of what is real and what is imagined. So I have decided to make up a mini-guide--

1. If you have a picture of it in your smartphone, it is probably real (unless your child has hijacked your smartphone and added who knows what to your camera roll).

2. If others have no memory of it, it is probably imagined (except that some of the people in your household never remember anything, and others just remember what's important to them).

3. If it is the same a few days in a row, it is probably real (but whose life has anything the same for a few days in a row?).

4. If it involves chocolate on a regular basis and warm, fuzzy clothes at every hour of the day, sadly, it is probably imagined (except that today, the above came really close to describing my day).

5. If you get a bill for it, it's probably real (but check, because you never know). If you get a check in the mail, it's probably imagined, because who ever gets that?!

Sometimes, there is a fine line between imagination and reality. Obviously, it's important to go with reality with the dates on the calendar and the life-altering decisions. But a little imagining in between--now that keeps it interesting...

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