Sunday, February 17, 2013


Having dropped my daughters at play rehearsal, I now have two hours to kill.  Too schleppy to go home, too long to wait in the rehearsal lobby.  So, what to do?

I could wander the neighborhood.  After all, I am unencumbered by children complaining about walking.  It's not raining, and this particular neighborhood is incredibly populated with places to see.  Places to see and spend money. I mean, I'll walk through a store anytime, but if I shop my way through every two-hour rehearsal, my daughters' performing arts careers could become quite expensive--even aside from the lessons and costumes and tickets.  So, no store-hopping.  And, while it's not raining, it's a bit cold for a "good exercise" walk--I can see people literally being blown down the sidewalk.

It's times like this when a $2-4 cup of coffee starts to look pretty cheap. On the $2 end, cheaper than a subway ride to go somewhere.  And even on the $4 end, cheaper than being able to go AND get back.  A table, some people watching (and people-listening--a particular privilege when you're both in New York AND close enough to Penn Station to hear out-of-towners too).  And, the opportunity to write a blog before 9pm, virtually without interruption (except for my own checking of email and Facebook every so often--did I mention that the coffee comes with free Wifi?).  Now I begin to understand all the people I used to see typing and drinking coffee when I was hurrying to get coffee before work.  It may be a reasonably relaxing atmosphere, complete with caffeinated treats, but with a keyboard and clear head, it's a cost-effective office that works.  Even at 5pm on a Sunday. And, considering that I will be full of caffeine at 5pm on a Sunday, by 9, I might even be able to write 3 more blogs!

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