Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Happy Wednesday

On Wednesdays, we get dollar coffee (or hot chocolate, depending on your age) at 7-11. It's a small thing, perhaps, but a big cup of this small thing, and only a dollar.

Once upon a time at One Life to Live, there were control room coffee runs (less dependent on the day, more dependent on the director or producer).  A list of each person's drink of choice was made, and interns would return with armfuls of yummy treats that made the long days go faster.  It wasn't dollar coffee, but it was a similar small thing that made a big difference.

Life is so full of things we have to do--school and work and afterschool activities. Buying groceries, making dinner, cleaning, and paying bills.  So many things that have to be done and that we do, fairly diligently, week in and week out. And amidst them, now there is dollar Wednesday coffee.

When the One Life studio moved far enough away from the coffee shop to make coffee runs unrealistic, the days of that afternoon treat ended, and a certain feel good perk of just getting through a rough afternoon or a rough week went away.

It's amazing how such a small thing can make a difference, and how, in the runaround of everyday life, we often leave out these small things, writing them off as too expensive or too caloric or just plain unnecessary.  And, though they might not seem necessary, maybe they really are.  Maybe they help us feel better, even if just for a few moments, or work better, even if just for a few hours, or just plain BE better, because we treated ourselves or someone else to a little bit of fun.

And that's one of the best things I can think of to do on a Wednesday.  Or any day.

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